Chip in for Sight Golf Tournament

Thank you so much to everyone for being a part of our 11th Annual Chip in for Sight Golf Tournament at Wyoming Valley Country Club. All of our sponsors, players, committee, volunteers, and staff – without you, this event wouldn’t be the fun-filled, successful day that it is!!

Congratulations to all the winners, who are listed below:

Championship Flight Winners:

1st place – Josh Katyl, Ryan Schrode, Brock Seigel and Jason Mustapich

2nd place – Rich Olshefski, Marc Zlotek, Kevin Kosakowski and Ed Bucholtz

1st Flight Winners:

1st place: Mike Sowinski, Ron Stavish, Allan Makowski and Ryan Brannon

2nd place: Jane Williams, Tony Genoble, Bob Bull and Rebecca Kulbaski

2nd Flight Winners:

1st place: Justin Shaffern, Charlie Rizzo, Donovan Klem and Guest

2nd place: Will Stella, Josh Schaefer, Mark Rodrigues and Gino Tighe

Closest to the pin Hole #5 – Carly Mammano

Men’s Longest Drive on #11 – Jonathan Stack

Women’s Longest Drive on #12 – Nikki Sennett

Our Golf Committee welcomes your feedback! What did we do well? What can we do better in the future?
Please email Amy Feldman, our VP of Development and Planned Giving at to let us know.

Be sure to check out and share some of the great photos from the day on our Facebook Page!!