
Technology and the way people access it has come a long way in Northeast Sight Services’ century of service to the community. As assistive technology continues to emerge in creating life changing advances for those who are blind and visually impaired, Northeast Sight Services has been a proponent of ensuring that clients have both the necessary equipment and training to help in their pursuit of living an independent lifestyle. As an agency, we want to get these extremely beneficial, but sometimes costly, items into our clients hands.

Of course, the major barrier for our clients is first identifying that these items, sometimes costly, can benefit them.  Northeast Sight Services’ Vision Rehabilitation Therapy program, which was implemented just prior to the Pandemic in 2020, has made this outreach and information available to those who are blind and visually impaired in our local community.  By partnering with Tech Owl, our organization has ensured that qualifying clients can get items, particularly cell phones, at a reduced cost.  In the case of our longtime client, Carl, he was able to get a free iPhone through this program.

Of course, the next obstacle for those with visual issues is learning to use the technology – and more specifically the accessibility features that are offered.  Individuals with vision loss use their iPhones slightly different than the sighted because they can’t see what they’re tapping on. Instead of pressing down and opening up an app, they can press anywhere on the screen and hear where their finger is – they just need to learn how to utilize features such as this.

Client Carl using iPhone with the of Vision Rehab Therapist Kristen
Carl and kristen training on the iphone

“I knew nothing about how to use an iPhone. And I no idea what to do with it when it came,” said Carl.

In August 2021, Northeast Sight Services’ Vision Rehabilitation Therapist, Kristen, began to work with Carl to ensure that he could use his iPhone for all of his needs. Trainings occur weekly, as he continues to master all of the great features the phone has to offer. He can now call, text, check his email, listen to audio books and so much more with his phone. “It’s been really rewarding to see how far he’s come and all the independence this phone training has given him,” Kristen said.

“She’s very knowledgeable and patient,” Carl stated. “Kristen even records our trainings so I can go back and listen to them for reference.”

If you or someone you know might benefit from Vision Rehabilitation Therapy and is interested in learning more, please reach out to Northeast Sight Services today!