
Sometimes taking that first step is all you need. “It just became the best thing in the world for me,” exclaimed Margaret Y. She hasn’t been a client of Northeast Sight Services for long – but the impact on her life was almost immediate.

As an organization, we have always made it our mission to ensure blind and visually impaired individuals achieve the best possible quality of life by
providing compassionate services in whatever capacity needed. More often than not, that involves showing clients a new way of doing things without their sight.

Margaret was diagnosed with hemorrhaging age-related macular degeneration, which was being managed with injections into her eyes, up until the need for an unrelated operation on her femur. That operation required her to take blood thinners, which made her eye condition worse—resulting in complete loss of central vision in both eyes.

Margaret sitting at kitchen table wearing a black and white floral shirt using her iphone.  Large print calendar and 20/20 pen on table in front of her.

“I can’t read, write or distinguish numbers if there is more than one digit, but I can get around using my peripheral vision,” Margaret notes. Contacting
Northeast Sight Services is something she would recommend to anyone in her situation. “It has been a lifesaver.”

Benefitting from the Vision Rehabilitation Therapy (VRT) Services offered by Northeast Sight Services, she has been able to utilize her smart phone to
acquire apps to help her read mail and access information. On a weekly basis, Northeast Sight Services’ Vision Rehabilitation Therapist visits to not only show how her phone can help, but to place raised “bump” dots throughout her home to help her cook, adjust her thermostat, wash clothes and complete all other daily living tasks.

Our VRT program teaches skills to improve visual functioning in daily life helping people to simply adapt to their vision loss by learning new ways to do what they’ve always done. These skills promote independence and active participation in their own lives, improving the quality of life overall.

“It will change your life – because it has changed mine.
You feel so useful again,” said Margaret.

If you are interested in supporting this program or any of the services we proudly offer, simply click here.

Northeast Sight Services is constantly implementing new programs that truly impact the lives of our clients – Margaret’s story is just one example of why YOUR support is needed. Your gift means so much to those we serve. Thank you again for your continued support of all of the programs offered by Northeast Sight Services.